Wednesday, January 27

Hepy Bestday, Mekna

Glitter Graphics

Birthday Happiness

As we observe your birthday now,
Your cake and gifts don't matter much.
These common things aren't really you,
Ribbons, paper hats and such.

We celebrate a person who
Brings happiness to everyone,
Someone who gives more than she gets,
And fills our lives with joy and fun.

So Happy Birthday, and many more!
We hope you make it to a hundred and two,
Because we always want to have
The special pleasure of knowing you


  1. Kak Mek!!

    Selamat Hari Lahir!!!

    Semoga ceria n bahagia di sebalik timbunan buku2 hehhe
    Moga dalam rahmatNya Sentiasa =)

  2. Kak Mek......

    Selamat Ulang Tahun...

    Semoga hari-hari mendatang menceriakan hidup kak mek serta keluarga dan dirahmatiNya selalu...

  3. Happy birthday Kak Mek,
    Semoga dirahmati ALLAH dgn umur yg penuh barakah. AAAAAAAAAMIN.

  4. selamat ulangtahun hari lahir kak mek...moga rahmat, barakah & lindungan-Nya sentiasa melingakari hidup akak jua keluarga terchenta..

    happy birthday dearest sis!

  5. Selamat hari jadi.

    maafkan atas keterlewatan ini.

    Situasi sekarang 9dan yang lepas2) sangat2 sibuk. Huhhh
